About Us
The New Britain Township Public Works Department is responsible for over 57 miles of roadways owned and maintained by the Township. There are also over 21 miles of State owned streets that PennDOT maintains for a total of over 78 miles of roads.
The Public Works Department takes great pride in its work and ensures Township residents and the public have safe roadways to drive on. The Public Works Department employees are on call twenty-four (24) hours a day and seven (7) days a week to serve the Township residents for any emergencies that arise, including rain, wind, snow, etc. Often Public Works employees leave their own families to serve the community.
The Public Works Department consists of the Superintendent of Public Works, who manages a Crew Forman, Mechanic, and nine (9) full-time Laborer/Equipment Operators.
Mission Statement
“Maintain all roadways, infrastructure, and facilities within New Britain Township to promote the health, safety, and welfare of residents and visitors traveling throughout the Township.”
Duties and Responsibilities
The Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining the Township-owned streets, stormwater system, and the parks and recreation system and retains all Township-owned facilities and buildings.
Street Paving
The Public Works Department is responsible for all Township-owned roadways. Funding comes from Liquid Fuels money from the State and the Board of Supervisor Capital Plan. Roads are resurfaced based on condition and when they were last paved or treated.
Oil & Chip
Oil & Chip is a process where an oil distributor truck will spray emulsion-type oil onto the Roadway, sealing the road. A chipper machine then applies 1/2″ stone to cover the oil, and a roller compacts the surface. The process is a very effective way to preserve/extend the life of a road.
Snow Removal
The Public Works Department is responsible for salting and plowing all Township-owned roadways and facilities. Residents can assist by removing all obstacles from the edge of the street; this includes trash cans, basketball hoops, etc. Please be patient until we get to your road and wait 1 hour after you see a truck on your street as sometimes the operator might make one more pass during the more significant storms.
Street Sweeping
New Britain Township will begin its annual Street Sweeping Program in the spring. Please remove your vehicles from the street if you see the Sweeper coming.
Temporary Repairs/Potholes
Permanent repairs are made in the spring when hot asphalt is available. Temporary repairs are made during the winter and may need to occur several times because the material used is a “cold patch”. This material remains pliable and will rattle off in some cases where water is present due to freezing and thawing.
Crack Sealing
Crack Sealing occurs during the winter and early spring to keep water from getting under the road via the cracks in the road pavement. Road sealant material is heated to 300-400 degrees and applied to the cracks.
Street Signs, Street Lights, & Pavement Markings
The Public Works Department is responsible for all street name signs and traffic advisory signs on Township owned roadways. All signage and road striping is per the specifications set by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
Tree Trimming
During the winter, the Public Works Department will trim all vegetation within the right-of-ways to eliminate damage to residents’ and Township-owned vehicles and improve visibility at intersections where needed.
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