How does the Township help with Stormwater Management?
New Britain Township is responsible for the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System, or MS4, which includes all inlets, storm sewer pipes, and other infrastructure throughout the Township that conveys stormwater to our creeks and streams. As the owner of an MS4, the Township is required to maintain a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit, which is held and monitored by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
The NPDES Permit focuses on six areas: Public Education, Public Involvement, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, Construction, Post-Construction, & Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping.
Illicit Discharge means any discharge to a municipal separate storm sewer that is not composed entirely of stormwater, except authorized non-stormwater discharges per New Britain Township’s Stormwater Ordinance #2022-09-03 Section §26-171.3. Examples of illicit discharges include dumping of motor vehicle fluids, household hazardous wastes, grass clippings, leaf litter, animal wastes, or unauthorized discharges of sewage, industrial waste, restaurant wastes, or any other non-stormwater waste into a municipal separate storm sewer system. Illicit discharges can be accidental or intentional. Please contact the Township for any questions or concerns. 215-822-1391.
To view the Township’s MS4 plan click/tap on the following links: MS4 Executive Summary | MS4 Plan